WIYS® Coaching
The WIYS® technique is called “the future of coaching” by facilitators in the U.S. and Europe.
Walking In Your Shoes® (WIYS) is a highly effective mind-body technique used in coaching to bring deeper understanding about personal, professional and organizational issues. WIYS® is typically done in a group setting, but is equally effective through individual facilitation. This experiential technique is offered through one-on-one coaching, workshops, team building exercises and focus groups.
Why It Works
Getting To The Core. Most people intellectualize their problems, challenges, beliefs and emotional responses despite having a negative experience of them.
Rather than remaining trapped in this limiting pattern, WIYS® moves individuals away from old narratives to focus on what they’re experiencing in their bodies—their subjective sense and understanding of self. It enables them to connect to the issue—without judgment or avoidance—that might otherwise be difficult to do through the reasoning mind.
The Science.
Inner Engineering. An individual’s emotional responses to his/her experiences is the result of well-worn neural pathways in a brain that have developed over a lifetime.
We learn things by forming neural connections in response to associations in our everyday experiences. However, research has demonstrated that our brains can rewire themselves in response to our experiences [neuroplasticity], forming new neural pathways that lead to changed behavior. In other words, how one’s brain decides which neural pathways to create, modify or delete depends on one’s experiences.
What if for a few minutes you actually experienced your true potential?
WIYS® empowers individuals and organizations to break out of dysfunctional behavior and limiting or self-defeating beliefs while offering new insights and new resources to overcome challenges and resolve conflicts.
As an individual experiences new emotions, perceptions and thoughts, deep changes start to happen. These changes are not just a new way of thinking or a new awareness, but something more fundamental.
Combining the physical movement with inner reflection helps integrate various regions of the brain, carving out new pathways that reinforce new behavior and create long-lasting change.